Shipping and Returns

Free standard shipping for all orders of at least $49.

Many other items offer free shipping and will be noted on the product page.

Orders will typically ship within 2-3 business days. Bulk orders may require more time.

Once your order is processed we'll email you a confirmation with the tracking number.

Most orders are sent via USPS and will take 2 to 5 days in transit for standard shipping and 1-3 days for expedited. Shipping times are calculated based on when the item is given to the carrier.

Any international orders should contact us directly



Return request must be made within 14 calendar days from the date your item is marked delivered. To be eligible for a refund or replacement, your item must be unopened and be in the same condition that you received it. Your item must still be sealed in the original packaging. Please include your packing slip or proof of purchase to ensure quick processing at our warehouse. Please email your request for replacement or refund (whichever you wish) to and Include the following details:
  • Order number.
  • Description of why you wish a replacement or refund.
  • If possible include pictures of the product highlighting the issue at hand.
IMPORTANT: Returns shipped without prior contact with our customer service may be declined or take much longer to process. Please do not simply ship the item back without contacting our customer service.

Please Note - Amazon Resellers
Due to agreements with the brands we sell, we are not able to provide you wholesale invoices for Amazon brand approval, seller un-gating or any other Amazon-related issues as we are strictly a retail company.