Café du Monde is a New Orleans icon and a wonderful coffee shop that people seek out and travel to try. Café du Monde has been serving cafés au lait and crispy beignets in New Orleans' French Quarter since 1862, on the corner of Jackson Square, near the end of the French Market. It has even been featured in movies such as Chef.
Why Cafe du Monde
Café du Monde has long been considered a must-see for any tourist to New Orleans, but is the hype justified? Yes, in a nutshell. Since the Civil War, the menu at this historic cafe has remained almost unchanged: freshly squeezed orange juice, milk, hot chocolate, beignets, and coffee, and the more recent additions of sodas and iced coffee.
In today's fast-paced world, when we are constantly pressed to make judgments, the old-fashioned Café du Monde makes things simple. It's thus a good introduction to the ambiance of New Orleans, where things are likely to be a little less busy than at home.
Hot coffee with heated milk is added, and The café au lait is the drink to order (though black coffee called café noir is also available). Coffee is cut with endive root, better known as Chicory (read our article on Chicory Coffee), a local tradition that began when coffee was scarce during the Civil War era.
Chicory is a bitter herb that is less acidic than coffee. The roast is black and thick but lacks the sharp acidity of a traditional French Roast. It also has less caffeine than a cup of pure coffee, so drink two to get the most out of it.
For as long as anyone can remember, the coffee and beignets have been consistently good, and the view of Jackson Square from the tables is renowned. That isn't to imply the Café is without flaws. It's usually full, especially around breakfast, and the powdered sugar appears to leave a sticky film on everything - tables, chairs, and the floor. The bathrooms aren't always nice, and the service is a little hurried.

Take your own Café du Monde home!
While this is a wonderful place to visit, we have taken the experience and packaged it up for you to take into your home if you ever get the chance. That’s right. With Cafe Du Monde Single Serve Coffee K-cups and Ground Coffee Tins, you can savor every last drop of the coffee experience right in your own home. Take a little bit of Orleans home with you or give it as a gift. These are great for just about any occasion.
Don’t have the means are desire to travel, you can enjoy coffee from around the world at Meadow Ridge. We take great pride in offering some unique coffee blends that allow our customers to savor every sip. Each selection of coffee is unique in its own way, allowing you to travel the world right in your own coffee bar.
Don’t wait. Order yourself some Café du Monde (Shop Now) brew today and get whisked away to that little corner of New Orleans. Enjoy the rich flavors of the Chicory blended into the coffee to give it that distinct flavor.
And YES, Cafe Du Monde's coffee cups are compatible with Keurig machines!
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