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Caffeine Content In Snapple Iced Tea Drinks

Caffeine Content In Snapple Iced Tea Drinks

Sean Gregory
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Snapple Iced Tea has been known for decades for its distinctive pop when you crack open one of their signature glass bottles. However as of late 2021, the iconic glass bottle has been replaced by a 100% recycled plastic bottle.

Snapple has a large selection of tea flavors and rotates new flavors in regularly. Below we cover the caffeine content of their classic lemon tea and compare to their current line up of flavors. Some of these will vary in caffeine content based off the bottle size you buy but will often have the same amount of caffeine per ounce.

What is the caffeine content of Snapple Lemon Iced Tea?

Snapple Lemon Iced Tea when consumed in their most common 16 ounce bottle will contain roughly 2.3 mg of caffeine per ounce for a total of 37 mg of caffeine. 

The caffein content is based on their common 16 ounce size and will vary if you find Snapple in larger sizes like their 64 ounce bottle

 Serving Size Caffeine (MG) Sugar (G)
16 oz 37 36


Is Snapple's Lemon Iced Tea Caffeine Content Considered High?

At 2.3 mg of caffeine per brewed ounce and just 37 mg in their standard 16 ounce bottle, the caffeine content of this tea is relatively low when compared to a standard large coffee from any coffee chain.

Snapple does not add any caffeine as it naturally occurs in the black tea leaves used when brewing.

Since the FDA states 400 mg of caffeine to be generally considered as safe for healthy adults, drinking more than one of these a day shouldn't be an issue for the average healthy adult.

How Long Does Caffeine Stay in Your System?

Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours, meaning that half of the amount you consumed will be out of your body within 6 hours. The other half will take another 4-6 hours to leave, so that means you'll need to wait 12 hours for complete clearance from your system. But this is just an average; some people may clear it more quickly than others due to individual factors such as age and genetics.


Ingredients In Snapple Lemon Iced Tea

Filtered water, sugar, citric acid, tea, natural flavors.


Comparison to other drinks

Average Caffeine Content MG of Caffeine
Black Insomnia Coffee 1105
Bang Energy 300
Snapple Lemon Iced Tea 37
Coca-Cola Classic 34

Does Snapple Iced Tea Have Sugar or Calories?

Snapple Lemon Iced Tea has 150 calories and 36 grams of sugar. All 36 grams are added sugars which are the worst kind of health reasons. For this reason, although the calorie count is reasonable, drinking multiple in one day may not be a good idea.

Caffeine Content In All Snapple Flavors

 Snapple Flavors Caffeine (MG) Sugars (Grams)
Zero Sugar Lemon Tea 38 0
Zero Sugar Peach Tea 38 0
Zero Sugar Raspberry Tea 38 0
Lemon Iced Tea 37 36
Peach Tea 37 40
Raspberry Tea 37 37
Takes 2 To Mango Tea 37 38
Zero Sugar Trop-A-Rocka Tea 37 0
Zero Sugar Takes 2 To Mango Tea 37 0
Straight Up Tea - Unsweetened 30 0
Straight Up Tea - Sorta Sweet 27 22
Straight Up Tea - Sweet 27 45
Green Tea 23 30
Elements Air 18 25
Honey Sweet Tea 18 40
Half N Half Lemonade Iced Tea 17 51
Black Cherry Lemonade 0 36
Elements Fire 0 26
Elements Rain 0 25
Fruit Punch 0 48
Go Bananas 0 54
Grapeade 0 46
Kiwi Strawberry 0 45
Mango Madness 0 45
Orangeade 0 46
Pink Lemonade 0 50
Raspberry Peach 0 51
Snapple Apple 0 45
Strawberry Pineapple Lemonade 0 34
Watermelon Lemonade 0 37
Zero Sugar Kiwi Strawberry 0 0


Is Straight Up Tea Made By Snapple?

Straight Up tea is made under trademark of Snapple and is their line of teas supposed to be made from simple ingredients, hence the title straight up. The have three varieties which are based on sugar and sweetness. Their other flavors such as Rooibos have been discontinued in the United States.

Does Snapple Use Real Tea?

According to their website Snapple Tea products are brewed using black tea. Therefore all of their tea varieties are real tea. Some of their flavors do not contain any tea and are more along the lines of fruit juice drinks. See our entire tea section for more about tea.

Did Snapple Discontinue Their Diet Teas?

Yes and no. While the Snapple Tea options labeled "Diet Tea" are no longer in production, they have been replaced with Snapple's line of Zero Sugar Teas. With the focus on healthy and low sugar options becoming the new craze, many brands have switched from saying diet to zero sugar or low sugar.

Where To Buy?

You can find all of Snapple's flavors as well as a ton of reviews on Amazon.

Looking for something else? Check out all the coffee options from Meadow Ridge Coffee.


How Do We Know The Caffeine Content?

Our staff uses several methods to find and compile caffeine content. We check the manufacturer or brands website, packaging, other published online resources including medical publications and if all else fails emailing the brand directly.

Our Final Thoughts On Snapple Iced Tea's

For those looking for a drink with a slight caffeine boost Snapple's Iced Tea's should do the trick as their caffeine content is on the low end but still enough to provide a little energy. If you stay away from their sugar loaded drink options the regular black tea will not have any sugar and be considered a relatively healthy drink choice.

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