How To Use Coffee Grounds to Keep Mosquitos Away

How To Use Coffee Grounds to Keep Mosquitos Away

Sean Gregory
7 minute read

Java Jujutsu: Use Coffee to Keep Mosquitoes from Crashing Your Next Outdoor Party

Mosquitoes are a common pest that seems to be everywhere during the warmer months. They buzz around, biting us and causing itchy welts on the skin. Mosquito bites are not just a nuisance; they can cause serious health problems too.

Mosquitoes can carry diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. These diseases can be debilitating or even deadly.

Malaria alone is responsible for over 400,000 deaths per year worldwide. Even in areas where these diseases are not prevalent, mosquito bites can become infected and lead to secondary infections.

Using Coffee to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Many people turn to chemical insect repellents containing DEET to keep mosquitoes at bay. However, these repellents have been linked to skin irritation and even more severe side effects when used excessively or improperly.

Fortunately, coffee can be an effective natural alternative for keeping mosquitoes away. It contains compounds that mask our scent from mosquitoes while also repelling them with its aroma.

This makes coffee an ideal choice for those who want a more natural solution for mosquito control without exposing themselves or their families to harmful chemicals. In the next section of this article, we will explore exactly how coffee works as a mosquito repellent so you can understand why it is such an effective solution against these pesky pests.

How does it work?

Mosquitoes are attracted to humans and animals primarily because of our carbon dioxide, and body heat. When we exhale, we emit carbon dioxide that mosquitoes can detect from up to 50 meters away. Mosquitoes also have heat receptors that allow them to locate warm-blooded prey, such as humans and animals.

In addition to these cues, mosquitoes are also sensitive to certain scents. They are particularly drawn to floral fragrances, so wearing perfume or cologne can attract mosquitoes.

Coffee contains compounds that repel mosquitoes

Coffee has been found to contain compounds that can naturally repel mosquitoes. One of these compounds is caffeine, which has been shown in some studies to be effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. Another compound is chlorogenic acid, which is found in higher concentrations in dark roast coffee than in lighter roasts.

These compounds may help mask the scent of humans and animals by making it harder for mosquitoes to detect their carbon dioxide or other attractants. This makes coffee an effective natural alternative for mosquito repellent.

The masking effect

Coffee not only contains compounds that repel mosquitoes but also has a masking effect on our scent. When we drink coffee or use it as a repellent, it changes the way we smell to the insects. The smell of coffee may overpower our natural scent and make us less attractive targets for these pests.

This has been backed up by research studies demonstrating the effectiveness of using coffee as a mosquito-repellent agent in various forms such as creams or candles. Using coffee as a mosquito repellent may seem like an unconventional method, however with evidence showing its effectiveness due to its natural chemical properties, one should consider implementing this method.


Dark roast coffee has higher levels of compounds that repel mosquitoes.

When it comes to repelling mosquitoes, not all types of coffee are created equal. Dark roast coffee is the most effective in keeping these annoying pests away.

This is because, during the roasting process, compounds such as caffeine and quinic acid are released. These compounds have been found to be particularly distasteful to mosquitoes and act as a deterrent.

In addition, darker roasts tend to have more complex flavors and aromas, which can also contribute to their effectiveness as mosquito repellents. So if you want a more potent mosquito repellent, opt for a dark roast over a lighter roast.

Ground coffee is more effective than instant coffee.

Ground coffee has been shown to be more effective at repelling mosquitoes than instant coffee. This is because instant coffee has undergone a process that removes many of the natural oils and compounds found in ground beans. These oils and compounds are what make ground coffee so effective at keeping mosquitoes away.

Another advantage of using ground coffee over instant is that it can be used in various ways - burned in a bowl or plate, mixed with water for spraying, or applied directly on the skin. Instant coffee may not work well for these purposes due to its lack of essential oils.

Freshly brewed coffee works better than cold or stale coffee.

Freshly brewed java works better than cold or stale brews when it comes to warding off mosquitoes. Stale or cold brews don't release as many essential oils as freshly brewed java since they've already lost some flavor during storage. When brewing fresh hot java, many essential oils are released into the air along with steam from the hot liquid- making it an environmentally friendly way to keep bugs away from your surroundings!

In addition, freshly brewed java can be used in many effective ways such as creating a spray or using it as a skin rub. For these reasons, freshly brewed coffee is the most effective choice for repelling mosquitoes.

How to use coffee to keep mosquitoes away

Burn coffee grounds in a bowl or on a plate

One of the simplest ways to use coffee as a mosquito repellent is to burn coffee grounds in a bowl or on a plate. This method is effective because mosquitoes are repelled by the smoke produced by burning the grounds. To use this method, start by collecting used coffee grounds and placing them in a bowl or on a plate.

Then, light the grounds with a lighter or match. The smoke produced will quickly begin to spread, helping to keep mosquitoes away.

It's important to note that this method should not be used indoors or in enclosed spaces as it could cause fire hazards or other problems related to smoke inhalation. Instead, it works best when used outdoors and placed near areas where mosquitoes are likely to be found, such as near-standing water or in shady areas.

Make a homemade mosquito repellent with brewed coffee and essential oils

Another way to use coffee as a mosquito repellent is by making homemade mosquito repellent with brewed coffee and essential oils such as citronella. This method is more involved than simply burning coffee grounds but can be highly effective at keeping mosquitoes away.

To make this homemade mosquito repellent, start by brewing strong dark roast coffee and letting it cool completely. Then mix equal parts of brewed coffee and essential oil (find some great essential oils on Amazon) such as citronella together in a spray bottle.

Shake the mixture well before spraying it onto exposed skin or clothing before going outdoors. This method works well because not only does the caffeine content help repel mosquitoes but also certain essential oils have been shown effective at deterring biting insects like mosquitos from landing on people


Using coffee as an insect repellent against mosquitos offers natural protection without having you resort to using harmful chemicals such as DEET. Whether you choose to burn coffee grounds or create a homemade mosquito repellent with brewed coffee and essential oils, this natural solution can be effective in keeping mosquitoes away.

Coffee is not only great for mornings but also as a means of keeping pests at bay. So, before you go buying that chemical-filled bug spray, consider giving this natural remedy a try and keep those pesky mosquitos from ruining your outdoor fun.

As a bonus read how you can use coffee grounds to improve the quality of your garden.

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