How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee?

How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee?

Sean Gregory
3 minute read

Maxwell House is one of the most well known coffee brands in the United States and easily found on the shelves in almost any grocery or convenience store. While there are now thousands of options, Maxwell House's Original Roast has been a coffee drinkers' staple for decades.

What is the caffeine content of maxwell house coffee?

Maxwell House's Original Roast has and average 14mg of caffeine per fluid ounce of brewed coffee or 168 mg in a standard 12oz coffee mug. The brewing style used may alter these numbers slightly.

 Serving Size Caffeine (MG) Sugar (G)
8 oz Cup 112 0
12 oz Cup 168 0

Is Maxwell House's Caffeine Content Considered High?

While not on the higher end of the caffeine spectrum, at 168mg per 12oz this does put it ahead of many other common grocery store brands and is a great lower cost option.

Factors that can change caffeine content include:

  • Amount of water used
  • Amount of coffee grounds used
  • Brewing Method: Pour Over, Drip, AeroPress
  • Ounces of coffee brewed.


Comparison to other drinks

Average Caffeine Content MG of Caffeine
Black Insomnia Coffee 1105
Bang Energy 300
Maxwell House Original Roast 168 (12oz Cup)
Coca-Cola Classic 34


Is Maxwell House's Caffeine Content Safe?

The FDA currently suggest that healthy adults keep their daily caffeine consumption to about 400mg. This means you can safely consume multiple cups of Maxwell House coffee each day if healthy. Those with heart conditions of caffeine sensitivity should always consult a doctor.



Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours, meaning that half of the amount you consumed will be out of your body within 6 hours. The other half will take another 4-6 hours to leave, so that means you'll need to wait 12 hours for complete clearance from your system. But this is just an average; some people may clear it more quickly than others due to individual factors such as age and genetics.



Our staff uses several methods to find and compile caffeine content. We check the manufacturer or brands website, packaging, other published online resources including medical publications and if all else fails emailing the brand directly.


Where Can You Buy Maxwell House Coffee?

You can find all of the Maxwell House Coffee varieties on Amazon. So go ahead and take advantage of that prime membership and have some coffee delivered to your door.

Looking for something else? Check out our new coffee line from Meadow Ridge Coffee.

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