The Daily Grind Coffee Blog

Why Does Coffee Cause Bloating and How to Stop It?

Why Does Coffee Cause Bloating and How to Stop It?

Sean Gregory 6 minute read

All About Coffee

Ever feel the sudden need to invest in larger pants after that morning cup of coffee? While bloating happens to everyone at some point for various reasons, your coffee addiction can be a contributor. But...

How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Max Boost Coffee?

How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Max Boost Coffee?

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

Caffeine Content

Maxwell House is one of the most well known coffee brands in the United States and easily found on the shelves in almost any grocery or convenience store. Max Boost 1.75x is Maxwell House's attempt to get...

Specialty Coffee Lingo 101: What Does Single-Origin Mean?

Specialty Coffee Lingo 101: What Does Single-Origin Mean?

Jake Bonneman 3 minute read

All About Coffee

If you've been drinking coffee for a while, one term you've probably encountered a lot is "single origin." But what does single origin actually mean? Why is it important? Don't most things come...

How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee?

How Much Caffeine Is In Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee?

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

Caffeine Content

Maxwell House is one of the most well known coffee brands in the United States and easily found on the shelves in almost any grocery or convenience store. While there are now thousands of options,...

Should You Drink Coffee/Caffeine While You’re Sick?

Should You Drink Coffee/Caffeine While You’re Sick?

Sean Gregory 4 minute read

All About Coffee

When you’re down and out with the latest bug floating around the office or school all you want is to feel normal. Right? The smell and feel of your favorite cup of joe are all that get you out of...

Make a Bitter Cup of Coffee Less Bitter By Doing This

Make a Bitter Cup of Coffee Less Bitter By Doing This

Jake Bonneman 4 minute read

All About Coffee

Do you like your coffee on the bitter side? Plenty of people do. But what if an unfortunately-timed phone call caused you to leave your coffee extracting in your French Press for a minute or two too...

Every Type of Coffee Roast (And How to Choose The Right One For You)

Every Type of Coffee Roast (And How to Choose The Right One For You)

Jake Bonneman 5 minute read

All About Coffee

The Different Types of Coffee Roasts There are four main types of coffee roasts you'll find: light, medium, dark, and espresso (espresso is kind of a special case—we'll go into more on that...

A Brief History of the Famous Café du Monde Coffee Shop

A Brief History of the Famous Café du Monde Coffee Shop

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

All About Coffee

Café du Monde is a New Orleans icon and a wonderful coffee shop that people seek out and travel to try. Café du Monde has been serving cafés au lait and crispy beignets in New Orleans'...

Cuisinart SS-10 Single Serve Premium Coffee Brewer Review

Cuisinart SS-10 Single Serve Premium Coffee Brewer Review

Sean Gregory 8 minute read

Coffee Brewer Reviews

Every morning, millions rely on their machines to brew up the perfect cup of Joe—and while there are tons of options out there for this purpose, not all of them are created equal. The market is...

The Lesser-Known Health Benefits of White Tea

The Lesser-Known Health Benefits of White Tea

Jake Bonneman 5 minute read

All About Tea

We often hear about the health benefits of green teas and herbal teas. But another tea—one with many health benefits—has kept a low profile over the years. It's unassuming. It's...