The Daily Grind Coffee Blog

What Is Chicory Coffee and Why Drink it?

What Is Chicory Coffee and Why Drink it?

Jake Bonneman 3 minute read

All About Coffee

Ever heard of chicory? If you have… do you know what it is? Many people have heard the word somewhere before—possibly in a health food store… or from that one episode of The...

What Is Espresso Crema and What Does It Say About Your Espresso?

What Is Espresso Crema and What Does It Say About Your Espresso?

Jake Bonneman 4 minute read

All About Coffee

“Crema” is one of those coffee terms that coffee aficionados and baristas toss around a lot—If you’ve spent a lot of time at coffee shops, you’ve actually seen it plenty of times. But what...

What is Siphon Coffee Brewing? Our Full Guide

What is Siphon Coffee Brewing? Our Full Guide

Jake Bonneman 3 minute read

All About Coffee | How To Brew It

History of Siphon Coffee Brewing The siphon method originated in the 1830s in Germany. In the United States and most of the western world, siphon brewing (also known as vacuum brewing) is a rare way to make...

What's the Point of Using a Gooseneck Kettle?

What's the Point of Using a Gooseneck Kettle?

Jake Bonneman 4 minute read

All About Coffee | How To Brew It

Are these avian-necked water boiling vessels actually useful and practical tools for brewing coffee? Or are they simply overhyped objects d’art for baristas and aging hipsters? Let’s find out...

Don't Freeze Your Coffee (But If You Do.....)

Don't Freeze Your Coffee (But If You Do.....)

Jake Bonneman 3 minute read

All About Coffee

To freeze, or not to freeze—There are lots of voices on both sides of this question in the coffee aficionado community. Some people, including at least one fairly famous culinary celeb, recommends...

Reviewed: Harry & David Northwest Blend Single Serve Coffee

Reviewed: Harry & David Northwest Blend Single Serve Coffee

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

Coffee Reviews

Harry & David is known for their delicious candied popcorn and specialty gift snacks. Does their coffee live up to the same hype? Today our staff reviewed their Northwest Blend in Single Serve Cups. ...

What is the difference between espresso and coffee?

What is the difference between espresso and coffee?

Sean Gregory 5 minute read

All About Coffee

A question we get often a coffee company is where does espresso come from or what type of bean is espresso? Thanks to modern advertising many novice coffee drinkers do not really understand the...

Review of New Mexico Piñon Mexican Spiced Chocolate Coffee

Review of New Mexico Piñon Mexican Spiced Chocolate Coffee

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

Coffee Reviews

New Mexico Piñon coffee is one of the largest roasters in all of New Mexico. While they are know for their unique coffee flavored with Piñon nuts, New Mexico Piñon also offers a...

Can You Drink Coffee While On A Keto Diet?

Can You Drink Coffee While On A Keto Diet?

Sean Gregory 4 minute read

All About Coffee

So you decided to loose some weight before the summer hits and started a Keto Diet. Congrats! I think..... After a few hours on google searching for everything you are no longer allowed to drink and...

What Is Pinon Flavored Coffee & Where Does it Come From?

What Is Pinon Flavored Coffee & Where Does it Come From?

Sean Gregory 3 minute read

All About Coffee

If you've ever been to the New Mexico and Arizona regions, you may have come across Pinon Nuts and even Pinon flavored coffee. But what exactly is it, who makes it and why has it become so popular? What...